주니어 조선을 위해 freelance journalist 로 일한지 4개월이 되었다.
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깊게 보는 눈과 마음을 갖을 수 있게 되었다.
Journalism 코스를 일년 공부하면서 기자는 언제나 objective 한 눈으로 모든것을 보고 파악하고 글을 써야한다는 걸 제일 먼저 배운게 기억이 난다. "Be objective all the time."
나. 나의 것. 내가 결코 subject 가 되면 안된다는 말이다.
지금 생각해보면 어떻게 '글' 안에 subject 가 없을 수 있는지 모르겠다.
내가 내 책상앞에 앉아 내 컴퓨터 위에서 써내려가는 일 글은 누가 뭐라해도 김지수가 subject 인걸.
자기 생각을 자유롭게 표현하기보다 사실만을 추구하는 져널리즘은 가끔 나에게 여러가지 질문들을 던진다.
오늘 쓴 밑 기사는 아프리카 잠바웨에서 코끼리 300마리정도가 죽은 사건에 대한 이야기이다.
사람들의 욕심때문에. 코끼리의 tusk 때문에 목숨을 잃는 코끼리가 이리 많다니.
Pathetic Damage to
Zimbabwe’s Wild Life
The largest African elephant massacre for the
last 25 years has been discovered by hunters.
Other safari animals such as kudu and buffalo
were also victims of this massacre.
The lions, hyenas and vultures which fed on their
carcasses were also struck down.
The massacre has been going on for the past three
months by the poachers who laced waterholes and salt licks with cyanide.
The elephants’ tusks were removed from the
corpses and sold for around £300 each to cross-border traders.
Elephants’ ivory is highly prized as a
"white gold" in Asian countries where a growing middle class is
seeking for safe investments.
United Nations wildlife experts said the trade in
illegal ivory has doubled since 2007.
Eight men were arrested form the Tsholotsho
district village along with some officers who have ignored the wrong doings
done by the poachers, and a cyanide distributor.
In total 14 people are under an investigation but
there could be more people involved.
The elephant massacre continues as Caroline
Washaya-Moyo, a spokesman for Zimbabwe's National Parks said that 10 more
poisoned elephants were found last week.
Conservationists said the African elephants are
under a great threat from habitat loss, conflict with humans especially with illegal
poaching and hunting.
On present trends, the elephants will die out
within the next 50 years.
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