The Claddagh ring is a traditional Irish ring given which represents love, loyalty, and friendship (the hands represent friendship; the heart represents love; and the crown represents loyalty)
On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is single and may be looking for love. (This is most commonly the case when a young woman has first received the ring from a relative, unless she is already engaged.)
On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is in a relationship. (This suggests that the wearer's heart has been "captured".)
On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is engaged.
On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is married.
재미있는 역사다 담긴, 아일랜드에서 전해져오는 '클라다' 라는 반지를 선물 받았다.
가끔 다른 사람들이 낀 걸 본 적이 있었는데 이런 의미를 가지고 끼는 줄은 몰랐다.
앞으루 내가 이 반지를 낄때는 하트모양을 유심히 지켜보는걸로~